Placentophagy is the act of a birth person consuming their placenta postpartum by either eating the placenta raw, cooked, in capsule form.
1a -Endocrinologist George Chrousos who led the NIH study concluded that since the placenta contains a large amount of oral active CHR, ingesting the placenta will stabilize CHR levels resulting in a more emotionally stable mother. Studies from the National Institute of Health have found that consuming the placenta stimulates and stabilizes CRH levels.
Risk Assessment.
If you answer "Yes" to 3 or more of these statements, you are more likely to suffer from depression and anxiety during your postpartum.
The placenta is rinsed, sliced, and then dehydrated at 160 degrees. The placenta is then ground into a powder for encapsulation.
The placenta is rinsed, steamed to 160°f internal temperature, sliced and dehydrated. The placenta is then ground into a powder and encapsulated.
* this is only a recommendation and not a requirement for all GBS + clients.
Your placenta is rinsed, steamed with fresh ginger, pepper and lemons. Then sliced, dehydrated, and ground into powder for encapsulation. This Herbal steamed method is inspired by Traditional Chinese Medicine. The fresh herbs are used to warm the body internally for optimal healing.
We offer a 50/50 method to clients that would like to have more than one preparation method used for their placenta encapsulation. You can choose any two placenta preparation methods.
Local Greenville Hospital & Home Birth Clients
Travel Fee will be applied for those outside the local area
Postpartum smoothies are an excellent way to obtain the immediate healing benefits of your placenta. If you are in the GSP area, we can prepare and deliver your smoothie within 24 hours of birth. You may also create your own smoothie blend from our list of ingredients.
Placenta tinctures are an excellent method for utilizing the benefits of your placenta over the long term. They can be made from the raw placenta or placenta powder. Tinctures are made with 100 proof vodka or brandy to ensure purity and an extended shelf life. Tinctures are used for an energy boost, hormonal balance, PMS symptoms, and the menopausal transition. Placenta tinctures take six weeks or more to make due to the fermentation process.
Our restorative salve is composed of a proprietary blend of organic oils and herbs. It is suitable for use with or without placenta, and can be applied to nipples, cesarean section incisions, diaper rash, and minor cuts and abrasions.
Placenta chocolates are a delectable means of obtaining the daily restorative benefits of your placenta. The ground placenta is incorporated into dark or milk chocolate and molded into individual confections.
Are you searching for an alternative to taking a capsule, or do you prefer something with more flavor? These power-packed gummies offer all the remarkable benefits of a placenta capsule in an easy-to-take gummy. Our gummies are available in six delicious flavors: cherry, peach, raspberry, grape, orange, and strawberry lemonade. Gummies are available in three different placenta packages.
Placenta and Herbal Remedies are not FDA approved and should not be used as a medical treatment for any physical or mental condition. Consult your care provider before using these or any Herbal Supplements.